COLORS Linear Lighting “Museum”, situated in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, was finally com-pleted in May, 2021. The showroom followed a layout of 62 luminaire exhibition space with 10000+ models included, to display linear lighting product matrix of COLORS compre-hensively in a vivid manner.
For lighting design, practical effect matters, even more than design concepts. A stunning idea, if far beyond fulfillment, is a paradox of utopianism and bound to be in vain for you to make great efforts. Premised on that, COLORS has been pon-dering into the synergy between space and light-ing, refining every details to integrate lighting with space as perfectly as possible, and piloting every feasibility of lighting styling. That’s how the lighting showroom came out.
Linear lighting product matrix is extensive and emerging, and there are boundless possibilities in the future. Design is an indispensable medium in the evolution of products. It can nurture products and be interdependent with products.
COLORS constructed this space in the hope of creating a social platform for products and designers to communicate, for inspiration and practice to collide, integrate and renew so as to exploit out a more ideal lighting space environment.
Address: Overseas Chinese Town, Shahe Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen Appointment Tel: 15986791561